Have You Noticed The RECORD Number Of C.E.Os And C.F.Os Resigning?

Over the last week, there has been a trend that a lot of people on social media have noticed since the start of the Ghislaine Maxwell trialNow, to be fair I am not too keen on coincidences, especially when they tie the rich and powerful to heinous crimes.

Since Monday of earlier this week, the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, and Leon Black from Apollo Global Management both resigned suddenly and many are wondering if it is based on ties to Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs.

So what is really going on here?

Ok, now maybe I can give it a pass that it was just TWO people who resigned but by doing a quick search you can see that it is NUMEROUS big wigs who have stepped down recently.

Of course, the mainstream media continues to tout that the resignations have nothing to do with the Maxwell trial, but when was the last time the MSM told us the truth on anything?

They do what they are told to do and that is to cover up for their bosses so that they can still have their cushy jobs.

Here are just some of the C level executives who have stepped down recently:

ZD Net offers this explanation for the tech sector:

The CEOs/founders of giant US technology companies, like Amazon, Google, Twitter and Facebook, face pressures beyond those of the average CXO.

Many have been called to testify before US politicians about everything from their roles in allowing nefarious organizations to meddle in US elections and to their inability to control hate speech and fake news.

For these top CEOs, the hostile political and public scrutiny — after years of being adored in the public realm as geek gods — must be jarring.


The Associated Press took to ‘fact checking’ claims about C-level resignations and the Maxwell trial, take that as you will:

CLAIM: The CEOs of Twitter, Walmart and CNBC all resigned on the first day of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: Partly false. Twitter’s CEO did step down on Monday. CNBC does not have a CEO and its chairman did not resign. Nor did the CEO of Walmart; although the company said its chief financial officer would be stepping down — but not leaving the company until 2023.

So, what do you think?

Coincidence or this is all tied together?

Let me know your thoughts below!


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