Swamp Creature Bill Barr Just BASHED Pres. Trump in New Book With Nasty Leftist LIES!

There are a lot of swamp creatures in Washington D.C. but I do not think we could have imagined just how many were really there.

Let’s face it, we all are quite aware that D.C. is just one giant cesspool of people who are not at all concerned with being a statesman, but are looking for ways to further their political careers and fatten their bank accounts.

President Trump pulled back that curtain and revealed to the American people what was really going on in their government and it was truly eye-opening.


However, while most of the swamp creatures were not surprising, there have been some that have taken most people aback.

One was V.P. Mike Pence and the other was former Attorney General Bill Barr.

Both of these men seemed to be ones of integrity and were truly invested in Trump’s ‘America First Policy’ but alas, they were just playing us all.

Barr has now revealed himself to be quite the opportunist, waiting until the dust settled from the 2020 election to release a new book.

In the book, Barr rejects President Trump’s claims of fraud in the 2020 election.

“The election was not ‘stolen,’” Bar wrote in the book. “Trump lost it.”


Barr, who at one point in 2020 admitted that mail-in ballots were prone to fraud, did absolutely nothing to alleviate the American public’s concerns over the integrity of the 2020 election.

He has proven himself to be just another swamp creature.

Business Insider reports on Barr’s claim:

Former Attorney General Bill Barr in a forthcoming book unequivocally rejected former President Donald Trump’s claims casting doubt on the integrity of the 2020 election, according to excerpts published Sunday in The Washington Post.

Barr wrote in the book, “One Damn Thing After Another,” that Trump didn’t win the 2020 presidential race against Joe Biden.

“The election was not ‘stolen,’” the former attorney general wrote, per The Post. “Trump lost it.”

While Trump’s interactions with Barr regarding the presidential election have been mentioned in other books, the attorney general’s memoir is expected to detail some of the tensest moments between the two men as it related to Trump’s unfounded voter-fraud claims.


According to National Review, Barr now wants Republicans to move on from President Trump:

Former Attorney General William Barr writes in a new book that former President Donald Trump has “shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed,” and that it is time for Republicans to focus on rising new leaders in the party.

The release of the former attorney general’s 600-page book, “One Damn Thing After Another,” is coming as Mr. Trump, who remains the GOP’s dominant figure, contemplates another presidential run. Mr. Barr writes that he was convinced that Mr. Trump could have won re-election in 2020 if he had “just exercised a modicum of self-restraint, moderating even a little of his pettiness.”

To many, Barr has simply revealed his true colors.

Perhaps he was truly a RINO all along…


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