Why This Woman Wants To Have Donald Trump’s Baby Is Absolutely Sickening!

The days of being able to claim that murdering an unborn baby was a constitutional right would be over, and these blood-thirsty liberals are stark raving mad.

One of those lunatic leftists that lost whatever was left their mind is actress Amanda Duarte.

You have probably never heard of her if you are like me, but she is known today not for her acting chops.

When the story about the leaked Roe v Wade SCOTUS document hit, Amanda and countless other clueless Dems went into hysterical “The Sky Is Falling” mode for no reason at all.

I wish abortion would be gone if Roe v Wade was overturned… I really wish it was that simple, but it’s not. If Roe v Wade is actually overturned, abortion issues just return to the states.

Sadly, it’s more of a symbolic victory than a legit change, if that makes any sense.

However, the left doesn’t realize this. They’re literally losing their last brain cell over this one… some of the tweets coming out are downright looney, while others are just so wildly hysterical and off the rails. Still, this one from SJW “WOKE” actress Amanda Duarte takes the cake as one of the most racist tweets I’ve ever read on Twitter.

Here’s what Amanda said after the leaked document came to light:

Well, we’re not quite done reporting on this loving liberal; as some of her past tweets have now come to the surface… and one in particular really caught my attention, and I thought the depravity and derangement needed to be showcased so the entire world can see what the new Democrat religion is really all about.

So, Amanda is not a very well-known actress. She’s done some stuff in the “true crime” genre, and some Law and Order type stuff… Nothing too earth-shattering. But she is very vocal on social media about her politics, which is 100 percent communist progressive. She’s your a-typical feminine white liberal woman who is privileged and hateful and preaches about how awful everyone else is while never once questioning her own disgusting actions and words.

Now they’re a lot of people have been digging through her past tweets, and given the recent “Roe v Wade” meltdowns that have been happening, one user found a past tweet from Amanda discussing how she wishes she could be impregnated with Trump’s baby, just so she could rip it halfway out of her body and chop its head off.

Does that sound sane to you?

Here’s her tweet:


People are saying, “come on, this can’t be real…”

Oh, it’s real. 

Here’s the archive of the actual tweet… the only reason we can’t show you the live tweet is because she deleted her account yesterday.

Here’s what people online are saying about this tweet:

These people are sick. What kind of brain thinks up such wicked sickening stuff like this?” 

“Meanwhile Woke Twitter allows this!”

“When the left proves our point…”

“Liberals are as unhinged as the jihadi religion.”

“She must be lovely at dinner parties.”

“So who’s extreme again? The right or the left? Hmm??”

“She seems nice, in an Attila the Hun sort of way. I wonder if she makes cookies, too.”

“This is okay, but Trump is banned? LOL This place is a total joke” 

“What in the actual hell is wrong with this woman??”

“And these are the supposed “good guys” in all of this lmao” 

“This is not about right vs. left, this is about good vs. evil.”

That last comment is spot-on.

This is a good vs evil spiritual battle, and that’s why I know we’re going to win.

We may not win every battle, and sure we’ll see setbacks, but when this is all said and done the righteous will be victorious over the wicked.

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