While We Sent BILLIONS To Zelensky, This Is What Liberal Cities Look Like…

The globalists hate Americans since we are the only ones that stand in the way of the New World Order.

America is the one country that knows what freedom is, while other nations worldwide have only experienced snippets of it.

For decades, people from other nations would flock here to the United States to live the American dream and be free.

That is why it is so important that we hold the line and continue to push back, for if we do not, that will be the end of the line.

Those elites in power are doing what they can to collapse America to provide the so-called “solution.”

While Joe Biden attends black-tie events with his fat cat friends, the rest of America is suffering from soaring gas prices, inflation, and how to make ends meet.

Joe Biden and friends do not care that you are suffering.

The more we suffer, the quicker they can break us, making it easier for them to collapse our nation.

Our country is falling apart. Our borders are wide open, and Democrats rush to Ukraine to “check” on them and send them piles of our hard-earned tax dollars while Americans suffer and liberal-run cities crumble.

Why is ou0r government sending billions of dollars to Ukraine when we need the money here?

There’s a video that’s gone mega-viral – over 54K retweets, of Philadelphia (and 3 other dilapidated liberal-run US cities), with the message: “We just sent $33 billion in militarized aid to Ukraine.”

Watch these clips, and ask yourself if globalism has helped the American people “prosper.”

We know it’s made politicians filthy rich, but has it helped us and our communities?

You can watch the videos below:



Here’s a typical street in Detroit, filled with crack houses and burned-down businesses, while we send BILLIONS to a foreign country.


Americans living in shocking squalor in Los Angeles, while we send BILLIONS to a foreign country.
If this doesn’t infuriate you, and light a fire under your butt to oust these globalist scumbags from our government, I don’t know what will.

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