What This Former Corrections Officer Did To Have Sex With Inmates Is Beyond All….

A California corrections officer went off the rails and just started having sex with a prisoner while 11 other prisoners watched.

Tina Gonzalez, a 26-year-old correctional officer from Fresno County Jail has been described as “depraved” by her boss. The young woman was sentenced to seven months in county jail as well and two-year probation was handed out to her for having sex with an inmate.

Gonzalez worked as a correctional officer between 2016-2019 and was arrested for her misdoing on May 1, 2020, following an investigation by the Sheriff’s Office’s vice unit and the department’s internal affairs division.

Authorities started to look into Gonzalez’s illegal and bizarre activities after receiving a tip from other staff members about a prisoner who was bragging about having sex with the officer.

The inmate also told others that he had illegally obtained a cell phone to communicate with people outside. It was revealed that Gonzalez kept in contact via telephone with her jailbird lover even after she was caught.

During her sentencing, it was revealed Gonzalez even cut a hole in her uniform pants to make it easier to have sex with the inmates. Gonzalez was originally set to face three years and eight months in prison but she was able to evade the longer sentence.

Gonzalez’s boss Assistant Sheriff Steve McComas revealed that apart from having sex with inmates, the CO also supplied razors – a potential weapon in the hands of inmates. She was also accused of relaying inside information to inmates such as what time would officers be inspecting a particular inmate’s cell.

McComas said he had seen and heard “disgusting things” about Gonzalez and her conduct topped that list. During the hearing, McComas said Gonzalez had sex with an inmate while being aware she was being watched by 11 others.

So now not only do prison guards have to worry about getting shanked, but they have to worry about Tina wannabees turning prisons into their dong playgrounds. By the way, what the hell was Fresno County thinking when they sent a ‘Tina’ into a men’s prison? It’s like they were straight-up asking for something like this.

What would cause Gonzalez to go off the rails like this? From the sound of things, she was in the mood for a really bad boy after her marriage ended, according to investigators who had the goods on one of their own.

“I think what you did was terrible, stupid and you have ruined your career,” Judge Michael Idiart told Tina. “But I also believe that people can redeem themselves and you have the rest of your life to do that. Good luck.”

As for remorse, Tina’s not down with that. McComas told the newspaper that Tina has shown zero remorse. In fact, McComas says the disgraced guard calls the inmate to have sexually charged conversations and to brag about the prison sex.

Let this serve as your lesson to stay away from Tina. They’re bad news. You’ve been warned.


As for remorse, Tina’s not down with that. McComas told the newspaper that Tina has shown zero remorse. In fact, McComas says the disgraced guard calls the inmate to have sexually charged conversations and to brag about the prison sex.

Let this serve as your lesson to stay away from Tina. They’re bad news. You’ve been warned.

Watch the video below for more details:

Source: AWM


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