Are Russian Airstrikes Targeting American Installations In Ukraine?

Of course, by now we have all heard the news that Russia has invaded Ukraine.

Now of course there is so much information flying at this time of what is actually happening or what the real story is.

I will be the first to admit that I know all that is going on, but I do know that when it comes to the mainstream media and the narrative that they often push there is a whole other story to be told.


So, as I was wading through the massive amounts of information being sent to me through my Facebook messenger, Instagram, and Telegram channel one particular story caught my eye.

The story was that Russian airstrikes were actually very specific.

These coordinated airstrikes were zeroing in on U.S. bio-weapons labs positioned in Ukraine.

That is the theory that the Twitter account named @WarClandestine was investigating before it was shut down.

@WarClandestine was suspended from Twitter hours after posting a detailed thread about this possibility.

While you can read the entire thread on Thread Reader (for now), I’ve attached screenshots of the thread below for you to view.

Was @WarClandestine onto something here?

Here’s footage of a reported explosion in Lutsk, a town less than 75 miles from the Ukraine-Poland border:

Here’s footage of reported explosions on the outskirts of Kyiv:



As reported by Newsweek in 2021, Putin’s adviser accused the U.S. of developing biological weapons near the Russian border:

Nikolai Patrushev, who is the secretary of Russia’s Security Council, made the comments during an interview with the newspaper Kommersant, in which journalist Elena Chernenko asked him about claims that China had “deliberately caused” the coronavirus pandemic.

Defending Beijing, Patrushev replied: “I suggest that you look at how more and more biological laboratories under U.S. control are growing considerably in the world and by a strange coincidence, mainly by the Russian and Chinese borders.”

Russia shares land borders with 16 countries—the most of any nation in the world. China shares frontiers with 14 countries, as well as the special administrative region of Hong Kong. Patrushev did not name any specific countries, but said: “Americans help local scientists develop new ways to fight dangerous diseases.”

In April 2020, Stalker Zone reported on U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine:

On April 14th people’s deputies from “Opposition Platform – For Life” Viktor Medvedchuk and Renat Kuzmin wrote requests to four leaders of the country: President Zelensky, Prime Minister Shmygal, Head of the SBU Bakanov, and Minister of Healthcare Stepanov.

In an appeal with reference to Serbian and Bulgarian media, it is reported that the US has more than 400 bacteriological laboratories around the world, including at least 15 in Ukraine.

There are exclusively American ones, and they are financed at the expense of the US Department of Defence. The laboratories are located in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lvov (three), Kiev (three), Kherson, Ternopol, and near Crimea and Lugansk.

People’s deputies note that the functioning of American biolaboratories in Ukraine started during the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko and the premiership of Yuliya Tymoshenko – August 29th, 2005.

At that time, cooperation agreements were signed between the US Department of Defence and the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine for the prevention of proliferation technologies (growth of body tissue by cell division), pathogens, and expertise that can be used for the development of biological weapons.

“In fact, the work in the laboratories is carried out under the program of biological experiments. The budget is $2.1 billion and is funded by the US Defence Threat Reduction Agency. The Scientific and Technical Center in Ukraine, an international organisation funded by the American authorities and whose staff have diplomatic immunity, has also become involved in this activity. This organisation is engaged in financing projects for the creation of weapons of mass destruction,” wrote Medvedchuk and Kuzmin.

Further, the people’s deputies point out that after the launch of biolaboratories in Ukraine there were outbreaks of infectious diseases.

“So, in Ternopol in 2009 there was a virus that caused hemorrhagic pneumonia. Its victims were 450 Ukrainians. In 2011, there was an outbreak of cholera in Ukraine – 33 people died. Three years later, cholera was diagnosed already 800 citizens, another year later more than 100 cases of cholera were recorded in Nikolaev.”

People’s deputies also gave such examples. In January 2016, 20 soldiers died from an influenza-like virus in Kharkov, and more than 200 were hospitalised. Two months later, 364 deaths were recorded in Ukraine. “The reason is swine flu of the same strain of influenza that led to the global pandemic in 2009,” say Medvedchuk and Kuzmin.


Bulgarian journalists published a map of laboratories in Ukraine:

*Source – Stalker Zone*

The immediate suspension of @WarClandestine following his posting of the thread caught the attention of many Twitter users:

Footage has also surfaced of Ukrainian soldiers allegedly burning documents next to an intelligence building in Kyiv:


@WarClandestine returned to Twitter with the account username @BioClandestine.

He shared additional thoughts on his hypothesis:

He included an updated thread:

Will reporters ask Biden about the possibility of U.S. Biolabs being targeted by the Russian military?

I highly doubt that question gets asked by any mainstream “journalists.”

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