Woke Pop Star Will Not Hand Out Plan B, Condoms at Concerts After Backlash

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) Woke pop star Olivia Rodrigo will no longer allow pro-abortion groups to hand out “emergency contraceptives” and condoms at shows on her “Guts” tour after facing intense public backlash, especially considering that Rodrigo’s primary audience is teenage girls.

Late last week, local abortion organizations were notified of the change in plans after images of a “care” package that included boxes of Julie, a pill similar to Plan B, went viral following a St. Louis concert stop, organizers informed Variety.

In addition to that, the news source discovered from three sources that it was Rodrigo’s team that made the decision. Rodrigo’s team requested abortion advocates stop distributing lube, condoms and “emergency contraceptives” at the tour stops because “children are present at the concerts,” the National Network of Abortion Funds, which partnered with Rodrigo, said.

“The reality is that youth have sex, and youth need access to birth control and emergency contraception,” Jade Hurley, communications manager for the DC Abortion Fund, said while adding that conservatives and Christians whom she ironically called “extremists” “are causing a moral panic over something they don’t even understand.”

The chair of the Prairie Abortion Fund, Destini Spaeth, agreed with Hurley while revealing her predatory views toward teenage girls.

“There is something really positive about a 16- or 15-year-old having a Plan B and a few condoms in her dresser to use as she needs it,” she said.

Spaeth then gaslighted the public by saying that murdering babies in the womb and using contraceptives is a “sign of responsibility,” not abstaining from having sex.

“Sex and sexual health tools — whether that be abortion, Plan B, condoms — are villainized because you’re [seen as being] promiscuous. We don’t look at it as a sign of responsibility… If the kids aren’t getting the education that they need in school, at least they can rely on reproductive health organizations in their communities to get that information and resources to them,” she said.

However, both organizations said that they will continue pushing their anti-life agenda, with the Prairie Abortion Fund promising to continue distributing promotional materials at Rodrigo’s shows and the DC Abortion Fund promising to continue handing out Plan B on the sidewalks outside Rodrigo’s upcoming shows.

“Little do these decision-makers know: We have no issue handing out Plan B, free of charge, on the public sidewalk outside the venue. #GUTSWorldTour ticket-holders OR NOT: See you July 20th outside Capital One! We take care of us,” the organization wrote.


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