Woke ‘Church’ Leaders Demand ‘White Churches’ Give Millions in Reparations

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) Woke religious leaders from Boston have called on “white churches” to give millions of dollars in reparations to black people throughout the city.

The proposition also included “white churches” providing $15 billion in reparations for their historical role in the slave trade, according to the Daily Mail.

It was reported by the news source that the event took place at Resurrection Lutheran Church and was put together by the Boston Peoples Reparations Commission, the group responsible that was responsible for demanding $15 billion.

Rev. Kevin Peterson was one of the speakers who appeared at the event. During his speech, he allegedly expressed his desire to rename the Faneuil Hall marketplace which was named after wealthy merchant Peter Faneuil, a prominent slave trafficker in the 18th century.

“We call sincerely and with a heart filled with faith and Christian love for our white churches to join us and not be silent around this issue of racism and slavery and commit to reparations. We point to them in Christian love to publicly atone for the sins of slavery and we ask them to publicly commit to a process of reparations,” he said.

According to Peterson, “[atoning] for the sins” would mean “[extending] their great wealth – tens of millions of dollars among some of those churches – into the black community.”

The letter that was signed by 16 clergymen was sent to churches that the group wanted to participate in giving reparations, the news source wrote. The letter went into detail about how the churches could pay the money by cash, by creating affordable housing or “financial and economic institutions in black Boston,” the Mail wrote.

“Obviously, it’s incalculable. It is impossible to put any dollar number on what African Americans have gone through in this country,” Edwin Sumpter, who is involved with the Boston Peoples Reparations Commission, said.
