Va. Mom Sues School for Secretly ‘Transitioning’ Daughter, Who Was Later Kidnapped, Raped

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A Virginia mother has sued a local school district after they secretly helped her daughter “transition,” an outrage that was followed by even more horrors.

Sage Blair, 14, was subsequently kidnapped and sex trafficked after running away from home in the wake of her transition, the Daily Mail reported.

According to the report, Sage ran away from home in part because of the bullying she was victim of at school in the wake of her “transition.”

The bullying, per Michelle Blair, the mother of Sage, included both “verbal” and “physical” assaults, but also included a constant barrage of “threats of rape by the male classmates.”

And yet, for all of the difficulties that faculty and staff at the school caused, they still “encouraged her to use the boys’ bathroom” according to Michelle Blair.

The school also encouraged Sage to change her name to “Draco” at school without alerting the child’s mother to that fact.

After she ran away and was kidnapped, Sage was eventually rescued by the FBI. After that, however, the Baltimore juvenile court system assumed custody of the child at the behest of a local public defender, Aneesa Khan.

According to Khan, Sage’s parents were not “sufficiently affirming” of her gender identity, and therefore contrived a story of abuse and neglect on the part of the parents in order to keep the child from returning home.

The mother later filed a lawsuit against the Appomattox County School Board and district staff on the grounds that the staff facilitated Sage’s transition without allowing her to parent her own child.

“It is frankly just cruel and irresponsible for school officials to be encouraging confusion, gender confusion in particularly traumatized young girls with histories of mental health,” said Vernadette Broyles, founder of Child and Parental Rights Campaign, who is representing the Blairs.

The Blair case will follow closely on the heels of a similar instance in California, where a Monterey County school district agreed to pay a $100,000 fine after it facilitated a secret gender transition without the knowledge of the child’s parents.

In that case, a court ruled that the district had violated the 14th amendment.


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