Pro-Palestinian Activist Threatens to Murder Bakersfield Mayor and City Council Members at Public Meeting

During a Bakersfield, California City Council meeting on Wednesday, a pro-Palestinian activist was arrested for making threats to Mayor Karen Goh (R) and City Council members.

The activist, Riddhi Patel, 28, was detained at the meeting and is currently being held on $1 million bond as of Friday afternoon.

In a separate incident last month, other pro-Palestinian activists disrupted by breaking a glass door and injuring a police officer after being removed from the council meeting.

Patel spoke twice during the meeting Wednesday in support of a ceasefire resolution in the Hamas war on Israel.

Her first remarks began with mention of her belief Jesus would kill the City Council members (“You guys are all horrible human beings and Jesus probably would have killed you himself”), and ended with mention of violent revolution and her hope the City Council would be killed by guillotine one day (“I remind you that these holidays that we practice, that other people in the Global South practice, believe in violent revolution against their oppressors. And I hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and kills all of you motherf***ers!”)

Her second remarks included opposition to a proposal to use metal detectors for City Council meetings and ended with her saying, “We’ll see you at your house, we’ll murder you!”

Patel is being charged with 16 felonies and is being held on a $1 million bail.”

A protester arrested inside Bakersfield City Council chambers Wednesday night is accused of 16 felony counts after she made a threatening comment to council members and the mayor.

Riddhi Patel, 28, was arrested and booked into jail on suspicion of eight counts of threatening with intent to terrorize and another eight counts of threatening certain city officials during her comments on enhanced security at the meetings.

These upgrades, used on a trial basis at the previous City Council meeting on March 28, would permanently include metal detectors and bolstered security at future City Hall meetings. They were unanimously approved by the council later in Wednesday’s meeting.

Patel’s remarks on the matter came during the public comment portion of the meeting, during which she lambasted the proposed security upgrades.

“You guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors,” Patel said. “We’ll see you at your house, we’ll murder you.”



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