My God, Did CBS Just Give Away Biden’s Whole Ukraine Plan?

There has been a lot going on lately in the world that has everyone’s head spinning.

Over the last few weeks, the world has been on the edge of its seats watching the tensions brew between Ukraine and Russia. Then overnight, what was suspected to occur finally did.

Russia has invaded Ukraine.

To be honest, a lot of people are questioning the events taking place at this moment in the far-off nation. In fact, the whole thing has a very “staged” feel to it. Almost like Biden and Putin cooked it up in some dark smoky room or is there a possibility that Putin is going into Ukraine to flush out Biden’s henchmen?


Whatever the case may be, it has happened and Russia is now in Ukraine which is pretty odd since Biden’s been telling us for eons that he’s so “tough” that Putin wouldn’t dare pull anything sketchy if he were president.

Seriously, why would Putin be afraid of Biden?

Biden looks like the lost guy trying to find the BINGO hall at the old folks’ home.

I can assure you nobody on planet earth is afraid or intimidated by Bumbling Joe Biden, except maybe his nurses, who have to take care of him daily.

The New Yorker reported that Europe is descending into war. In a brazen challenge to Ukraine’s independence, Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops, tanks, and artillery into two separatist regions—Donetsk and Luhansk—hours after unilaterally recognizing them as independent countries and declaring their allies.


Keep in mind, that story was printed 13 hours ago.

Now, look at what CBS just published: “The U.S. economy has been hit with increased gas prices, inflation, and supply-chain issues due to the Ukraine crisis.”

Did you catch that?

Now, all the issues that we have been seeing in America over the last year are “Ukraine/Russia’s” fault.

The soaring gas prices, the tripled inflation, supply chain woes all stem from Russia and Ukraine.

Wow, that is pretty dang amazing, right?

All of this changed magically in the last 24 hours!

They must really think we’re all stupid.


Here’s what people online are saying:

This quote is from Don Jr: “They’re really trying to do this aren’t they? I mean it’s incredible. I don’t know whether to be upset or impressed with the level of brazen insanity it takes to try to pull this off to run cover for Democrats. Issues plaguing us for a year due to 2 weeks of turmoil in Ukraine!”

“This isn’t just fake news, it is media fraud. They’re trying to rewrite history right in front of our faces.”

“These kinds of headlines aren’t doing much to allay suspicions that Biden is involving us in the Ukraine situation so that he can blame it for all of the problems that we already had”

“Holy shit, guys this is not going to work”

“Does the media think we are stupid? Inflation has nothing to do with Ukraine and everything to do with President Biden’s policies. “

“Hey Siri, what is propaganda?”

“This is just straight up a lie. Wew”

“the propaganda is getting easier to spot”

“Pure, unadulterated bullshit.”

“Not an ounce of integrity”

“CBS = garbage propaganda.”

“The media got away with so much before the internet was invented”

“Funny because last month they blamed all those things on Covid.”

“BREAKING NEWS: The media continues to piss on you and tell you it’s just raining.”

“They must really think we are dumb.”

“You lying sacks of sh!t”

And on and on and on the comments go.

If Biden and his media flunkies thought this “bait and switch” game would work, they were sadly mistaken.

It’s true, maybe back in the 90s or oos, this would have been a clever piece of propaganda that the masses would buy into.

The internet has changed the game and for some reason, neither Biden nor the media have figured that out yet.


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