Minutes After Caravans Surge to the Border, Something Happened That Will Have Joe Biden…

Title 42 has only ended a short time and already the floodgates are open. It’s almost as if Democrats are encouraging illegal aliens to storm our border. Because Border Patrol can no longer expel border jumpers, countless outsiders are rushing into the country. You thought it was bad the last two years. But it is only getting worse.

From Daily Wire:

Cities and towns near the Mexican border braced for chaos amid an expected surge of illegal immigrants Friday after the expiration of a Trump-era rule that allowed Border Patrol officers to summarily turn back migrants.

As the tweet points out, most of these migrants are adult men, who are expecting jobs, homes, and other benefits after they force their way into the country. Biden has no plan, it seems, for dealing with this. It has only gotten this bad because he refuses to uphold our existing immigration laws. And now, a federal judge is dropping the gavel on the Biden administration.

From The Post Millennial:

A federal judge on Thursday night blocked the Biden administration from implementing a policy that allows for illegal immigrants to be released without court dates.

The ruling came just hours before the end of the Title 42 public health order, a part of the US Code addressing public health emergencies that was used during the pandemic to help US officials gain improved operational control of the border, was scheduled to expire.

Imagine that. Biden was going to release all these migrants into the U.S. without a court date. He’s been doing that for months now. When illegals cross the border, they surrender to Border Patrol. Biden’s DHS is forbidding BP from deporting these criminals. So, they are released into the U.S., without a court date or trial.

This is Obama’s catch-and-release on steroids. Nothing is preventing these aliens from disappearing into the U.S., with nobody knowing who they are, where they came from, or where they are going.

How can anyone not suspect Biden is doing this on purpose? Many have accused Democrats of supporting illegal immigration because they exploit these migrants for labor and use them to sway elections.

Biden has been letting this go on for over two years now. And it’s only getting worse. This federal ruling will slow things down a bit, but until Border Patrol is allowed to deport border jumpers, our nation will be overrun.

How long before we won’t have a nation at all?



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