Middle-School Students Stage Protest over Alleged Furry Infestation

(Molly BrunsHeadline USA) Students from the Nebo School District in Payson, Utah protested the school administration for allowing “furries”—people who dress up as anthropomorphic animals—to run rampant through the halls, according to the Gateway Pundit.

Middle school students at Mt. Nebo School walked out of class after school officials repeatedly ignored requests to punish animal-identifying students who bite, scratch and bark at their peers.

“Multiple of my friends have been bitten by the furries and scratched, and the school won’t do anything about it when we tell them,” one student said.

Some students also said “furries” also chew on sticks during class and use litter boxes conveniently placed in the bathrooms for their use.

Footage of the walkout showed the group of students chanting “We the people, not the animals,” in front of the school.

“It’s crazy that it’s escalated to this point where these kids are being so distracting to their peers that their peers want to stage a walkout,” a furry identified as “Strudel” told reporters on the scene.

Students and parents who attended the protest also sent out a petition, arguing that according to Section 3.1.8. of the school’s dress code prohibits furries.

“Jewelry, accessories, tattoos, hair, facial hair, and other elements of a student’s appearance that draw undo attention, distract, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with the learning atmosphere at school or at school activities and events, or that create a health, safety, or welfare issue are prohibited,” the code read.

Parents hoped to field at least 500 signatures for their petition; they reached nearly 2,500 at publishing time.

A spokesperson for the Nebo School District released a statement claiming that the students’ objections were simply “rumors,” and implied that the protesting kids would face according punishment.

“We have had several parents reach out to us over the past few days, regarding rumors that are being spread about behaviors of a small group of students at our school,” the message read. “While students may exercise their freedom of expression, disruptions to the school day will be handled as needed.”

Furry culture is an online sect of sexual deviance. Many “furries” have mascot suits and insist they do not “identify as animals, they identify with animals.”


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