Merchan’s Daughter Tied to Effort to Ban Trump from Ballots, Possible Witness Tampering

(Molly BrunsHeadline USA) The daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over former President Donald Trump’s porn-star case in New York, has ties to a far-left think-tank that helped plot the failed attempt to kick Trump off the ballot in several states earlier this year, according to Steve Bannon’s WarRoom.

Meanwhile, another high-profile client of hers has admitted to helping coach the prosecution’s star witness, raising potential questions about a mistrial.

Loren Merchan, daughter of Judge Merchan, is the president of the “digital strategy” company Authentic Campaigns, which works with a litany of high-profile left-wing clients.

That has included the George Soros-funded Brennan Center for Justice, a nonprofit think-tank at New York University that was integral in helping formulate the controversial plot to use the 14th Amendment’s so-called insurrection clause against Trump.

The Brennan Center an amicus brief with the Colorado Supreme Court, which controversially ruled against Trump, potentially igniting a constitutional crisis that would have allowed unelected partisan judges to disfranchise Republican voters on the basis of a wild and ambitious legal theory.

”The brief urges the Court to reject Trump’s attempts to revive the independent state legislature theory on appeal,” summarized the Brennan Center.

The Colorado ruling was later overturned in a unanimous decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, but not before the secretaries of state in at least two other blue states threatened to boot Trump off their ballots and potentially trigger a chain reaction.

The involvement of Loren Merchan raises further questions as to potential conflicts of interest surrounding her father’s appointment to preside over Trump’s Manhattan trial and his refusal to recuse himself.

After Trump flagged the widely reported conflict with Loren Merchan’s employment, which has earned some $93 million in profits from those seeking to undermine and defeat the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, the judge promptly imposed a gag order to prevent Trump from criticizing his daughter.

However, the Brennan Center was far from the only controversial client whose partisan interest in defeating Trump raised serious red flags.

Prior to the testimony this week of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., boasted that he had been busy coaching the witness.

“I have deposed Michael Cohen, I have been with him a number of times to prepare him,” Golden told MSNBC.

However, it quickly came to light that Goldman also was a client of the judge’s daughter.

Headline USA reached out to Cohen via text message to comment on the allegations of potential witness tampering and the possibility of a mistrial that may result. We will update with any response.

Authentic Campaigns also took on clients connected to the Chinese Communist Party.

The Asia Society, a pro-China lobbyist group sponsored by several branches of the Confucius Institutes, which received funding from the Chinese Communist Party.

The Confucius Institutes are known for peddling pro-China propaganda on college campuses, implementing a program called “Confucius Classrooms” that push pro-communist messaging to students of all ages.

The Asia Society also tracks officials at Chinese universities with histories of cyber-espionage and intellectual property theft.

Authentic Campaigns seemed to have no qualms with the Asia Society’s sketchy relationship with the Eastern power, and even noted on their website that their marketing programming helped the group reach a larger audience.

“Authentic devised a dual-focused approach to effectively tackle Asia Society’s objectives,” its website read.

“We combined targeted digital advertising campaigns with strategic list acquisition initiatives to maximize reach and engagement,” it continued. “A comprehensive understanding of Asia Society’s diverse offerings enabled us to tailor each campaign to resonate with specific audience segments, thereby ensuring maximum relevance and impact.”

Headline USA’s Ben Sellers contributed to this report.
