Jew-Hating Colleges, Universities Face Exodus of Jewish Students

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The “elite” and “respectable” universities all around the country started to face a trend for next fall — an exodus of Jewish students — after allowing blatant and shameless anti-Semitism on their campuses.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Jewish undergrads are leaving schools with significant anti-Semitism problems, such as Columbia University and Northwestern University.

On the other hand, Yeshiva University, a New York City-based private Orthodox Jewish school, has seen a 53% increase in transfers this spring, after extending its transfer deadline for Jewish students who didn’t want to be harassed while they were getting their college degrees.

“No student should have to go through what Jewish students went through this year, and not have the university’s backing… [Administrators] rewarded instead of punishing people who have been openly anti-Semitic and [intimidated] Jewish students,” an anonymous former Northwestern University student said.

The reason why the student decided to transfer to another school was because the school’s administrators allowed Jew-haters to constantly harass Jewish students by screaming phrases such as “You’re a Jew, go back to Poland.”

“Prior to October 7th, I felt safe basically everywhere on campus. [After that] I did not feel safe walking around at night alone, going to the cafeteria or the gym,” the student added.

Occidental College is another “institution of higher learning” that Jewish students massively started to flee from because they were constantly harassed by anti-Semitic protesters who called them “f***ing Zionist[s],” “f***ing Jew[s],” and “k*ke[s]” who should “go back to the gas chamber.”

Columbia University was yet another infamous breeding ground for the Hamas supporters that Jews started leaving to finish their education, with even Columbia’s Orthodox rabbi urging Jewish students to not go back to the university.

Aside from Yeshiva, other universities accepted Jewish students. Among those institutions were colleges and universities in Florida after Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., cracked down on pro-Hamas activists and Brandeis University.

“We received about 90 applications between the announcement [of the extension] and the end of May. About a third of those students identified themselves in their applications as Jewish,” Brandeis spokeswoman Julie Jette said.


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