Hunter Biden Jury Is Biased, Affected by Drug Addiction, Firearms


(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) It was recently revealed that the majority of potential jurors in Hunter Biden’s criminal trial that started on June 3, 2024, in Delaware turned out to be very biased because they have personally been affected by drug addiction. 

The bias of the jurors could easily result in Biden not going to prison because the jurors would be too sympathetic to him.

Biden is facing three felony firearm offenses regarding the 2018 purchase of a .38 revolver from a gun shop in the state, with the prosecutors also expecting to dive into Biden’s crack cocaine addiction since he lied about it when he was purchasing the gun, Fox News reported.

The court heard from more than 60 potential jurors on June 3, 2024. After filling out a questionnaire on whether they could serve as impartial jurors in the case, the jurors appeared before the court individually. Twelve jurors and four alternates were selected from the poll by late afternoon on June 3, 2024.


The majority of potential jurors told the court that they have personally experienced addiction issues through their friends and family, with many of them saying that they have had a relative who struggled with drug addiction or alcoholism.

“It’s the area,” one young woman told the court after describing that she lost many friends to overdoses, in addition to some of her family members also struggling with addiction.

Some potential jurors told the court that their loved ones overcame their addiction issues through stints in rehab. Others said that members of their immediate family still suffer from addiction.

It was also revealed that, in addition to many jurors being biased when it comes to Biden’s drug addiction, some of them also said that they have family members or loved ones who own firearms.

Some jurors told the court they are legal concealed carry holders for self-defense. Others turned out to be gun-control fanatics, expressing stricter gun legislation against one of the most prominent boogymen for leftists, “assault weapons.”



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