(Headline USA) Military officials reportedly tried to walk back a briefing given this month at Fort Liberty in North Carolina, which described pro-life organizations as “terrorist groups.”
A slide from the anti-terrorism awareness briefing was leaked this week by Defense Department whistleblower Samuel Shoemate, who received it from a U.S. Army soldier required to undergo the training at Fort Liberty, formerly known as Fort Bragg.
An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.”
The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East.
The organizations labeled by the… pic.twitter.com/vlO6XjyGzE
— Shoe (@samosaur) July 11, 2024
The training was supposed to be a simple class on “how to be a gate guard and what to look for when on duty,” the U.S. Army soldier said.
But it quickly became political when a slide titled “Terrorist Groups” showed the logos of the National Right to LIie and Operation Rescue, both pro-life groups. The slide claimed the groups “oppose Row [sic] v. Wade” and are tied to “bombings of clinics” and “attempted murders.”
The slide came directly after a section on ISIS, according to the U.S. Army soldier.
“It’s pretty unsettling that they’d try and conflate pro-life groups to the level of ISIS, but this is the kind of thing we now see all the time,” the Fort Liberty soldier reportedly said. “We’re regularly given briefings that include stuff like, ‘If your co-workers are expressing support for the Second Amendment, keep an eye on them. They could be a danger.’”
Fort Liberty officials claimed the briefing had not been properly “vetted by the appropriate approval authorities” and said the slides “do not reflect the views of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty, the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense.”
Officials blamed the briefing on a “local garrison employee” and said the “slides will no longer be used and all future training products will be reviewed to ensure they align with the current DoD anti-terrorism guidance.”
The National Right to Life blasted the briefing as “deeply offensive” and said officials’ statement on the matter doesn’t suffice.
“Only under the Biden administration can peaceful law-abiding citizens and their peaceful activities be considered ‘terrorism,’” NRL President Carol Tobias said in a statement. “The Biden administration promotes the deaths of preborn babies and advocates for unlimited abortion, but peaceful pro-life Americans are labeled ‘terrorists.’”