Fairfax County Va. Redesignates Easter as ‘Transgender Visibility Day’

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) It was recently reported that Fairfax County, Va., blasphemed God by naming Easter Sunday 2024 a “Transgender Visibility Day,” with many Christians saying that it is another attempt of leftists to hijack the sacred holiday.

The Fairfax County School Board has added “Transgender Visibility Day” to its prior designations of June as LGBT “Pride” Month and October as LGBT History Month for a 62-day LGBT celebration in the district’s schools, according to Breitbart.

The “Rev.” Emma Chattin, executive director of “Transgender” Education Association, praised the board’s decision, asserting that “visibility” can be “a heroic thing, especially for our trans women of color in our community, who face additional intersectional obstacles of prejudice regarding safety, housing, employment and health care,” Patch reported.

However, it was revealed by Fairfax local Stephanie Lundquist-Arora of the Washington Examiner that the board members were essentially telling Christians that they do not matter by turning “one of their holiest days into a celebration of an ideology that undermines the church’s core convictions.”

As expected, all of the school board’s nine Democrats voted in favor of the measure, while the RINO on the board, Patrick Herrity, did not show up for the vote.

“I’m looking forward to the day when we have a full dais for this proclamation, and that day will come. One way or the other, that day will come,” board member James Walkinshaw said about Herrity’s absence.

Another Democrat and a supervisor for the Providence district of the county Dalia Palchik echoed the sentiment.

“What we say at this dais matters. What you say in the community, what our leaders say and the outcome of that really matters,” she said.

Palchik then talked about the high levels of depression and suicide among “transgender” people without explaining why that is the case.

“Our transgender students are depressed. Nearly half have considered suicide. You see across the board in our LGBT community that it is the one community that stands out higher than any other demographic in our students of depression, attempting suicide, considering suicide,” she said.
