Deranged Lunatic Released from Jail Before Stabbing, Murdering Toddler

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) It was revealed that a deranged woman who stabbed a three-year-old boy to death outside an Ohio supermarket was released from jail three days before the murderous attack.

A 32-year-old Bionca Ellis was arrested after she stabbed Julian Wood to death with a kitchen knife at a Giant Eagle grocery store in North Olmsted on June 3, 2024, in what police officers described as a “random act of violence,” the New York Post reported.

It was later discovered that Ellis was arrested by police officers just days earlier, on May 29, 2024, because she stole $69 worth of merchandise from Walmart. After it became unclear if she was paying attention or falling asleep during the proceedings, a Rocky River Municipal Court magistrate ordered Ellis to undergo a psychiatric check.

Despite that, on May 31, 2024, Judge Brian Hagan released Ellis from jail.

“There weren’t any red flags shooting up that pole. There weren’t any indications here. No sign of mental distress. No sign of previous, violent acts,” Hagan said.

Ellis is now being held on a $5 million bond after stabbing the toddler to death while he sat in a shopping cart and wounding his 38-year-old mother, Margot Wood, after following them into the parking lot.

She charged at them with a knife when the mother was about to load her groceries into her car. The boy was stabbed twice in an attack that lasted less than five seconds.

The toddler’s mother was knifed in the shoulder after trying to pull her son from the cart during the attack.

The boy was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Ellis smirked while she was being charged with murder and attempted murder, giggling and replying “Si” when the judge asked if she was going to plead not guilty.

After the attack, the corrupt judge doubled down on his previous decision to release Ellis.

“I’m confident in the way this court handled the matter. We did it by the letter of the law. There was nothing there to send up the alarms,” he said.


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