Consumer Backlash in 2023 Produced a Mild Pride Month in 2024

(Headline USA) With pride month halfway over, shoppers can find the usual celebration of sodomy in some stores. But analysts say the marketing is toned down compared to previous years, and at some chains, there’s no trace of pride month at all.

The more decent atmosphere underscores the struggle of many retailers to cater to different groups of customers at a time of political division over sexual deviancy.

This year’s Pride Month is unfolding amid a sea of legislation and litigation over said issues, especially the ability of men to participate in women’s sports and the ability of children to choose to be sexually mutilated.

Against this backdrop, Target reduced the number of its stores carrying Pride-themed products this year after getting backlash in 2023.

Nike, which like Bud Light became the subject of boycott calls last year over its marketing partnership with a transgender influencer, also has pulled back after offering Pride collections since 1999.

Nike said it won’t have a pride collection this year.

Some brands and influencers who work with the community report a noticeable decline in corporate partnerships.

Rob Smith, founder and chief executive of The Phluid Project, a brand of gender-neutral clothing, cited a 25% drop compared with last June in the number of stores carrying his collection.

“I guess they just decided this year, especially in an election year, with what’s going on, just to play it safe,” Smith said.

Adapted from reporting by the Associated Press


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