Biden Jokingly Wishes His Ancestor Had Been in a Murderous Gang


Throughout his four years in office, President Joe Biden has made too many embarrassing gaffes to count. His latest “joke” in a new speech on Monday, however, may just be one of his worst ones yet.

While campaigning for Kamala Harris in Pittsburgh, Biden brought up his great-grandfather, Edward Francis Blewitt. During this speech, he joked about being “disappointed” to learn that Blewitt had not been a member of a violent gang that murdered bigoted mine foremen.

So much for Biden’s presidency being one of “decency!”

From Fox News:
“I remember when my great-grandfather was only the second Catholic elected statewide in the state Senate here in Pennsylvania,” Biden told the audience. “And I remember they talked about – when they’d run against him in 1906 – they said, ‘Guess what? He’s a Molly Maguire.’”

“A lot of the English owned the coal mines and what they did was they really beat the hell out of the mostly Catholic population in the mines. Not a joke,” Biden continued. “But there was a group they called the Molly Maguires. And Molly Maguires, if they found out the foreman was taking advantage of an individual, they would literally kill him. Not a joke. And they would bring his body up and put him on the doorstep of his family.”

“Kind of crude, but I gotta admit they accused my great-grandfather of being a Molly Maguire – he wasn’t, but we were so damn disappointed,” Biden told the audience before assuring them, “That was a joke. That was a joke.”

Harris could be seen nodding along as Biden told this bizarre story. It turns out that he had previously used this anecdote while campaigning for Barack Obama many years ago.


Clearly, Biden sees this story as something he should be proud of. Instead, it just shows how hypocritical Biden and his fellow Democrats really are.

Biden, Democrats Are The Ones Using Violent Rhetoric

Democrats are always claiming that Republicans use violent rhetoric, often taking clips entirely out of context to make this point. Meanwhile, Democrats are the ones who constantly seem to be bringing up calls to violence such as this one.

In the mind of a hateful leftist like Biden, it’s perfectly fine to fantasize about using force against those who disagree with him. No wonder he wishes his family member had been in this murderous gang!

Just imagine if former President Donald Trump had told a story like this one. The mainstream media would be up in arms, and we would never hear the end of it for weeks. However, since it was Biden who said it, this speech will undoubtedly immediately be forgotten and swept under the rug. Don’t expect anyone in the media to try to portray Biden as a violent, wannabe, murderous gang member, which is exactly what they’d do to Trump if this was his “joke.”

In the end, this is yet another instance of Democrats doing the very thing that they accuse Republicans of. They may claim that conservatives are the ones using violent rhetoric. However, if they want to see who’s doing that, all Democrats have to do is look in the mirror.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Biden jokes about being “disappointed” that his ancestor wasn’t in a murderous gang.
  • Biden sees no problem in fantasizing about using force against those who disagree with him.
  • Democrats are the ones using violent rhetoric, not Republicans.

Source: Fox News


James Conrad

James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis…and freedom!

James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis…and freedom!


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