A Soldier Sat Down On An Airplane, By The Time He Got Home There Was A Note Waiting For Him…

This family will never forget the kindness of a stranger.

Those who serve in our armed forces truly sacrifice and deserve so much, and sometimes we lose sight of that. So when this man ran into a soldier before his flight, he took the time to thank the soldier for his service. However, it was how the man helped this Army man afterward that will really blow you away!

A businessman named Brad was sitting on a plane, waiting for it to take off, when he glanced up and noticed a soldier in uniform walk aboard. The soldier made his way through the cabin and found an empty seat next to Brad.

Brad greeted the soldier, whose last name was Glascott. The two struck up a conversation throughout the rest of the flight.

Glascott explained that he was on leave and headed home to his family. He had plans to take his family to the Great Wolf Lodge, a hotel and water park, for his son’s 9th birthday. The soldier wanted this party to be one his family would remember for years to come.

When their plane landed, Brad and Glascott parted ways. The soldier made his way to the gate where he found his family waiting for him He soon found his family waiting for him. Soon after, they headed to the Great Wolf Lodge for the party.

At the front desk, Glascott was met with an unexpected surprise. The soldier’s account was flagged. The receptionist made him wait as she figured out why.

They were hoping to enjoy a relaxing time on their trip and didn’t want to run into any problems.
The receptionist explained:

“You have a message on your account, from Brad.”

The family was puzzled. The receptionist went on to say that Brad was wishing them a good time from Atlanta.  Glascott realized that Brad was the man he had met on the plane.

He thought that it was nice of him to check in on the family and leave a friendly note.

There was more to it than that, though. Glascott took out his wallet and got ready to pay when the receptionist informed him that his bill was taken care of and he didn’t have to worry about anything.

The family was shocked. The stranger that Glascott had met on a plane had paid for the family’s stay at the Great Wolf Lodge. The family was incredibly grateful for the man’s gesture. Glascott and his wife were in tears over it.

After giving so much to his country, Glascott was well-deserving and appreciative of the generous action by one man he met on a plane.

Watch the heartwarming video below:

Source: AWM


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